For any inquiries or support, you can contact us at Our dedicated support team is ready to assist you.

We continuously strive to enhance our platform. Updates and new features are rolled out periodically to improve the user experience and provide additional functionalities.

Yes, we understand the importance of portability. You can export your digital portfolio in various formats to share it with potential employers or collaborators.

You will receive notifications related to important updates, newsletters, and account-related information. You can customize your notification preferences in your account settings.

Yes, you have control over your account's privacy settings. You can manage who sees your information and customize your profile visibility according to your preferences.

You can connect with other professionals by sending connection requests through their profiles. Networking is a key feature, enabling you to expand your professional circle.

Yes, we take data security seriously. Centrive Connect employs industry-standard security measures, including data encryption, to protect your personal information from unauthorized access.

Your digital portfolio can include details such as your professional achievements, projects, skills, and educational background. Customize it to highlight your unique strengths and experiences.

To create an account, simply visit our website and click on the 'Sign Up' button. Follow the prompts to provide your details and create your profile.

Centrive Connect is a digital portfolio Software as a Service (SaaS) platform designed to empower careers and facilitate professional networking. It allows users to create and showcase their digital portfolios, connecting professionals worldwide.