Hi I'm,IreneoAtenta

I am

Project Manager

Full Stack Developer



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Technical Project Manager and Full Stack Web Developer

Expertise in Technology and Project Management

In my roles, I blend my expertise in technical project management and full stack web development to drive impactful outcomes. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for problem-solving, I lead teams through the entire project lifecycle, from planning to deployment. My proficiency in both frontend and backend technologies allows me to create robust, user-friendly web applications. Let's collaborate to turn your vision into reality and achieve success together.

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Tech Project Management and Fullstack Dev

Versatility in Action

In my role as a Technical Project Manager and Fullstack Web Developer, I excel in coordinating teams, managing projects, and building robust web applications. With expertise in Agile methodologies and a proficiency in frontend and backend technologies, I drive efficiency and deliver high-quality solutions that meet both user needs and project objectives.

Node.Js (Backend)90%
Project Management95%
Hardware Prototyping80%
Vue, React, etc. (Frontend)90%
Testing and Debugging80%
PHP & other PHP Frameworks90%

Experience Showcase

Bridging Technology and Project Management


Bachelor of Information Technology
Jun 17, 2022 - Feb 17, 2024

2nd Year up to 4th Year at Quezon City University

Bachelor of Computer Science
Jun 17, 2019 - Mar 17, 2020

1st Year of Computer Science at Eclaro Academy

AMA Senior High School Tacloban
Jun 17, 2017 - Apr 17, 2019

Tanuaun National High School
Jun 17, 2012 - Apr 17, 2017


Technical Project Manager [Autofy AI]
Mar 1, 2024 - Present

As a Technical Project Manager, I oversee projects involving technology, ensuring they are completed on time, within budget, and meet quality standards. I bridge the gap between technical teams and stakeholders, coordinating tasks, managing resources, and resolving issues to ensure successful project delivery. With a blend of project management skills and technical understanding, I facilitate communication, prioritize tasks, and drive project progress from inception to completion.

Fullstack Developer [Autofy AI]
Feb 1, 2024 - Feb 29, 2024

A full-stack developer proficient in React and Node.js possesses versatile expertise in both front-end and back-end development. They can create interactive user interfaces with React while also building robust server-side applications using Node.js, enabling them to tackle a wide range of development tasks across the entire software stack.

Backend Developer (Node.JS Framework) [Intelliseven Technologies]
Sep 25, 2023 - Dec 19, 2023

At Intelliseven Technologies, I served as a Backend Developer specializing in the Node.js framework. During my 700-hour internship, I played a pivotal role in delivering high-quality software solutions. One of my notable contributions was the development of a comprehensive Daily Time Record (DTR) system, enriched with a myriad of functionalities. Assigned to spearhead backend development, I ensured seamless integration and functionality, enhancing the overall efficiency of the system.

Senior Software Engineer [Centrive Technologies]
Apr 1, 2023 - Present

Technology Head and Adviser
As a Senior Software Engineer at Centrive Technologies, I lead the training of interns in website development, ensuring they gain a quality experience and deep understanding of web technologies. Through hands-on projects, I provide interns with the opportunity to immerse themselves in various aspects of web development while also imparting knowledge of project management using agile methodologies. By fostering a collaborative and supportive environment, I empower interns to enhance their skills and contribute effectively to our projects, preparing them for successful careers in software engineering.

Full Stack Web Developer [Freelancing]
Jul 16, 2021 - Present

As a freelance full-stack developer specializing in PHP, React, Arduino, and web services, I offer comprehensive expertise across the entire development spectrum. With proficiency in PHP, I develop robust server-side applications and dynamic websites. My skills in React enable me to create interactive user interfaces and dynamic front-end experiences. Additionally, I have experience with Arduino, allowing me to integrate hardware components and create IoT solutions. I also excel in building web services to enable communication between different systems and devices. With this diverse skill set, I deliver versatile solutions tailored to meet clients' needs across various domains.

Certificate Showcase

Highlighting Professional Achievements and Credentials

  • All
  • National Certificate
  • Certificate of Completion
  • Academic Certificate
  • Certificate of Recognition
  • Certificate of Appreciation
  • Certificate of Participation
  • Certificate of Commendation

Insights and Innovations

Exploring the Latest Trends, Technologies, and Ideas